Circa la società

Fuente la Virgen is an exclusive brand of Iberian products that combines careful management and selection of the Iberian pig breed. In June 2012, the Fuente la Virgen farm was certified according to the UNE 162002 Sustainable Forest Management Standard, which implies that the farm meets the Pan-European Criteria for Sustainable Forest Management. This certificate recognizes that the organization, administration and use of the farm allows maintaining its biodiversity, productivity, vitality, potential and regeneration capacity, and proves that the farm is managed according to practices adapted socially, economically and environmentally to local conditions. In April 2013, the shoulder and the pure Iberian acorn-fed ham from Fuente la Virgen were awarded by the International Taste & Quality Institute. In 2014, the Repsol Guide included Acorn-fed Iberian Ham Fuente la Virgen in its Guide to the best non-perishable food and beverages in Spain.

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