Circa la società

Ninchat is a secure white-label chat platform for demanding customers. We connect with customer´s backend systems and provide them with a flexible end customer communication tools, for example: - 1-1 chat on your website & responsive on mobile site - embedded inside native mobile apps (iOS, Android, WP) - in Facebook - in ad/banner-networks Our unique angles: - better security, e.g. Ninchat connection encrypted better than most online banks - best statistics in-market with real-time customer satisfaction ratings - multi-channel: internet-everywhere - works also inside native mobile apps, Facebook & online-ad-networks - integrates to customer CRM systems & contact center systems - we focus in large customers: more flexible & agile partner Ninchat customers include for example banks, insurance companies, media and other financial companies. We are a Finnish company currently raising investment round for expanding our operations internationally.

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