Circa la società

Established in 2000, Florida Circuit is a full service electronic component resource company, offering kitting solutions and complete outsourced procurement services. All of their customers have come to trust us with assisting them with their component sourcing needs and meeting demanding schedules. They have the talent and tools to manage production requirements and the knowledge to identify areas of overall cost savings. Florida Circuit is certified to ISO 9001:2008 and long time members of the ERAI and IDEA. They employ strict disciplines to all aspects of their business. Their warehouse and kitting production facilities are ESD safe and certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 Rapid Kitting is a value-added service from Florida Circuit, which has many successful years in the electronics procurement services business. Rapid Kitting uses the core foundation and principles Florida Circuit was built from and will service customers with complete kitting solutions for your build requirements.

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