Circa la società

ClipCard is a service that connects your apps so you can access your stuff in context, anywhere you’re working. We all rely on apps and cloud services for everything we do. Files, code, communication, analytics and even just notes. Using apps to do our jobs has become the new normal for us, we all spend a lot of time switching between them. With ClipCard, you can get to anything across Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Trello and beyond, right where you need it — on the web, on your Mac, even inside Slack. There’s no need to open five or six different apps anymore. Find out what’s going on with a project, a client, or a feature easily — without disrupting your team or receiving more notifications and emails. Narrow in on a topic or location, and see a useful summary of anything that you can act on fast. Our team is on an ambitious path to give you seamless access to all your content, in context, everywhere you’re working. Try it for free at

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