Recensioni 11
Piu recente
1 anno fa

I had a positive experience with the medical servi...

I had a positive experience with the medical services provided. The staff was friendly and professional. The doctors were knowledgeable and took the time to address my concerns. Overall, I am satisfied with the care I received at Riverside Medical Group.

1 anno fa

I am very impressed with the level of care provide...

I am very impressed with the level of care provided by Riverside Medical Group. The staff was friendly and attentive. The doctors were knowledgeable and took the time to explain everything. I would highly recommend Riverside Medical Group for their excellent service.

1 anno fa

I want to express my gratitude to Riverside Medica...

I want to express my gratitude to Riverside Medical Group. The doctors and staff were attentive and caring. They went above and beyond to ensure my comfort and well-being. I am very satisfied with the service I received and would recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

I am extremely happy with the care I received at R...

I am extremely happy with the care I received at Riverside Medical Group. The staff was friendly and helpful. The doctors were highly skilled and provided excellent treatment. I would definitely recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

The medical services provided by Riverside Medical...

The medical services provided by Riverside Medical Group were satisfactory. The staff was friendly and professional. The doctors were knowledgeable and addressed my concerns. I would recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

The service provided by Riverside Medical Group wa...

The service provided by Riverside Medical Group was top-notch. The staff was friendly and attentive. The doctors were knowledgeable and took the time to explain everything in detail. I was impressed with the level of care I received. I would definitely recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

👍 I had a positive experience at Riverside Medical...

👍 I had a positive experience at Riverside Medical Group. The staff was friendly and welcoming. The doctors were skilled and provided me with excellent care. I was satisfied with the service I received. I would recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

I had a great experience with Riverside Medical Gr...

I had a great experience with Riverside Medical Group. The staff was friendly and professional. They took the time to listen to my concerns and answered all of my questions. The doctors were knowledgeable and provided me with excellent care. I would highly recommend Riverside Medical Group to anyone in need of medical services.

1 anno fa

🙂 Riverside Medical Group exceeded my expectations...

🙂 Riverside Medical Group exceeded my expectations. The staff was friendly and accommodating. The doctors were skilled and provided excellent care. I would highly recommend Riverside Medical Group for their exceptional service.

1 anno fa

🙂 I had a positive experience with Riverside Medic...

🙂 I had a positive experience with Riverside Medical Group. The staff was friendly and courteous. The doctors were skilled and provided excellent care. I would recommend Riverside Medical Group to others.

1 anno fa

I am extremely satisfied with the care I received ...

I am extremely satisfied with the care I received at Riverside Medical Group. The doctors were knowledgeable and thorough. The staff was friendly and attentive. I would highly recommend Riverside Medical Group to anyone in need of medical services.

A proposito di Riverside medical group

Riverside Medical Group: la tua casa di fiducia per le migliori cure

Riverside Medical Group è un fornitore leader di servizi sanitari che offre servizi medici completi a pazienti di tutte le età. Con un team di medici, infermieri e personale di supporto altamente qualificati ed esperti, Riverside Medical Group si impegna a fornire ai propri pazienti cure della massima qualità.

In Riverside Medical Group, comprendiamo che ogni paziente ha esigenze sanitarie uniche. Ecco perché offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi medici che soddisfano le diverse esigenze dei nostri pazienti. Dalla pediatria all'assistenza agli adulti, dall'assistenza generale ai fornitori specializzati, abbiamo tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno sotto lo stesso tetto.

I nostri pediatri si dedicano a fornire assistenza compassionevole e personalizzata ai bambini dalla nascita fino all'adolescenza. Offriamo controlli di routine, vaccinazioni, visite ai malati e altro ancora. I nostri medici di base per adulti forniscono valutazioni sanitarie complete e screening preventivi per adulti di tutte le età.

Oltre ai nostri servizi di assistenza primaria, offriamo anche servizi medici specializzati come cardiologia, gastroenterologia, neurologia, ortopedia, pneumologia e altro ancora. I nostri specialisti lavorano a stretto contatto con il tuo medico di base per garantire piani di trattamento coordinati ed efficaci.

In Riverside Medical Group crediamo nell'adozione di un approccio proattivo nei confronti dell'assistenza sanitaria, promuovendo stili di vita sani attraverso l'educazione sulla nutrizione e l'esercizio fisico, nonché misure preventive come le vaccinazioni.

Comprendiamo che la navigazione nel sistema sanitario a volte può essere travolgente, motivo per cui il nostro team lavora instancabilmente con le compagnie assicurative per conto dei nostri pazienti in modo che possano concentrarsi sulla loro salute invece che sulle scartoffie.

Le nostre strutture all'avanguardia sono dotate di tecnologia avanzata che ci consente di fornire rapidamente diagnosi accurate in modo da poter tornare sulla buona strada verso una salute ottimale prima piuttosto che dopo.

Siamo orgogliosi di offrire comode opzioni di pianificazione degli appuntamenti, inclusi appuntamenti in giornata per questioni urgenti, in modo da non dover aspettare settimane o mesi prima di vedere il medico quando è più importante.

Al Riverside Medical Group crediamo nel trattare ogni paziente come una famiglia fornendo un'attenzione compassionevole e personalizzata utilizzando tecnologie e tecniche mediche all'avanguardia.

Se hai domande o dubbi, non esitare a chiamarci oggi stesso. Il nostro personale cordiale è sempre disponibile ad assistervi con qualsiasi vostra esigenza sanitaria.
